
How Long Is The Blue Whale

Blue whales are really big. Just, how big exactly?

Information technology tin can be hard to wrap your head around only how large they are. So in this guide, I'll respond common questions and compare information technology to objects you can related to.

And yep, I will discuss the size of a blue whale'southward Johnson.

It'southward going to be a fun one.

What Do We Mean past "Biggest"?

You lot'll come across over and over again, in this commodity and other resources, that blue whales are the biggest animals to accept ever lived (every bit far as nosotros know).

But what does "biggest" mean, exactly?

When y'all see discussions about "the largest land animal" or "the smallest species of large true cat," what's really being discussed is the animal'south weight.

Basically, scientists had to agree on weight as the deciding factor on which animals are bigger or smaller.

For example, elephants are considered to be the biggest land creature because of their enormous weight. If scientists went past torso length, or height, creatures like giraffes or large pythons would be considered "bigger" than elephants.

So yep, at that place have been some animals that reached the aforementioned length as blueish whales, like the genus of dinosaurs Argentinosaurus. But the blue whale is considered "bigger" because it weighs more than any other known animal.

Merely thought I'd clear that up from the outset.

How Long are Blueish Whales?

The largest blue whale e'er measured by scientists was 110 anxiety (33.v meters) long.

But near are somewhere betwixt 70 and 90 feet in length (21-27 meters).

So, most of the comparisons for length I'll utilise in this article will be near xc anxiety (27 meters) since that'due south nigh average as far as we know.

How Big is a Blueish Whale Compared to a Human being?

Length of a blue whale compared to school bus, cars, and baseball bats

A big blue whale can be longer than 2 standard school buses! That'south just amazing to me.

Schoolhouse buses can seat as many as xl people. So nigh fourscore people could hang out on a blue whale.

I don't call up the whale would capeesh all those folks invading its space, but they've got the room!

They're longer than half dozen midsize passenger cars (about xv anxiety/4.five meters each). The adjacent time y'all're stuck at a traffic light, count alee 6 cars. That's well-nigh how long a bluish whale is!

Y'all would have to line up 26 standard baseball game bats cease to end to equal the length of a blue whale.

Or 15 grown men (6 feet/one.8 meters).

Is Blue Whale bigger than Megalodon?

The exact size of Megalodon is debated. Reports say Megaldon grew up to 60 anxiety long, and so in this case, and you and I know blueish whales can grow up to 110 feet.

So yes, a blue whale is bigger than Megalodon.

How Heavy are Blue Whales?

No surprise here, but blueish whales are super heavy.

Of course, their length is impressive, but information technology's nothing compared to their weight.

They weigh somewhere between 100-150 tons (200,000-300,000 pounds/90,700-136,000 kilograms) every bit adults.

Keep this in heed, the African bush elephant, the largest living land beast, only weighs 7 tons (fourteen,000 pounds/63,000 kilograms). So an adult blue whale tin can weigh as much as 14-21 adult African elephants.

I don't know if you lot've ever stood close to an elephant at the zoo, but I've been lucky enough to do and so. The thought of a single animate being weighing as much as an entire herd of elephants is just crazy.

That's huge, so huge that it can exist hard to wrap your caput around it.

Everyday Things that Equal the Weight of a Blue Whale

Weight of a blue whale compared to cars

You've got to full up some serious mass to get in counterbalance equally much equally a blue whale.

It would have as many as 85 midsize cars to equal all that tonnage.

They weigh as much as viii large school buses.

Or 1,000 200 pound (ninety kilogram) men!

How Big is a Blue Whale's Heart?

There are some internet sources that land a blue whale'due south centre is the size of a pocket-size auto and that it weighs over 1,300 pounds (590 kilograms).

Don't get me wrong, a blueish whale'due south centre is HUGE, but maxim that it is the size of a archetype Volkswagen Protrude is a gross exaggeration.

Recently, scientists preserved the middle of a 76-foot (23 meters) female person blue whale. The poor thing got trapped underneath ice, drowned and her body washed up on the declension of Newfoundland in 2015.

As tragic as this was, it gave scientists the opportunity to dissect the whale and study it. They were able to remove and preserve the whale's heart, the first time this had ever been done.

The centre merely weighed about 400 pounds (181 kilograms). Like I said, huge and really impressive.

Simply, non the size of 15-pes-long Volkswagen and almost half a ton lighter than some sources claim.

How Big is a Blue Whale's Middle Compared to a Human being?

Size of a blue whales heart

The bones dimensions of the preserved blueish whale heart are roughly 5 feet by four feet past 5 anxiety (1.five meters past 1.ii meters by i.5 meters).

That gives us a basic volume of 100 cubic anxiety (2.8 cubic meters).

These aren't the well-nigh precise dimensions since the heart isn't perfectly rectangular, but it's a pretty good guesstimate.

100 cubic feet is about the same as the interior of a lot of modernistic midsize cars.

So you could probably cram 5 or half-dozen adults within that space.

Although, I actually would not recommend trying to really have a dinner political party inside the heart of a blue whale.

Either it'south a live whale and your presence would non be appreciated.

Or it's a dead whale and you lot will never get that stink out of your dress.

How Big is a Infant (Calf) Blue Whale?

Female person blue whales give nascence to a single calf every 2-three years. Calves weigh as much every bit 3 tons (half dozen,000 pounds/2721 kilograms) when they're built-in.

On average, they're between 23 and 25 feet (7-7.6 meters) long.

Size Comparison of a Blue Whale Calf

Size of a blue whale calf

Baby bluish whale calves are the biggest babies in the world.

They are every bit large every bit an adult orca when they are built-in.

Calves outweigh the boilerplate American car by over 2,000 pounds and are as long as an ambulance.

Amazingly, they gain about 250 pounds (115 kilograms) a day while they're nursing. That's the equivalent of adding calculation the mass of a large adult man, someone the size of Dwayne Johnson or Arnold Schwarzenegger, to their weight every day.

How Loud is a Bluish Whale?

These giants live pretty solitary lives. They don't travel together in big groups like some whales do. Equally adults, blueish whales really only gather together for mating.

So when they're looking for love, they need to be able to communicate across vast amounts of sea. Otherwise, they might never find each other.

So non but are blue whales the biggest animals, just they are also some of the loudest.

These gentle giants are the 2d loudest animals on earth. They can produce sounds that are over 188 decibels.

To put that in perspective, jet engines merely produce sounds up to 150 decibels.

188 decibels at close range is more than enough to burst your eardrums.

And blueish whales' vocalizations may exist heard hundreds of miles/kilometers away; scientists aren't exactly sure of how far away blue whales tin be from each other and still communicate.

Merely as loud as the blue whale is, there's another creature that outdoes them.

The sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), tin can produce sounds over 230 decibels, loud enough to stun casualty and even inadvertently paralyze a diver'due south hand for several hours.

How Fast is a Blue Whale?

Blue whales aren't exactly breaking any speed records. That makes a lot of sense when y'all consider but how huge they are.

Their body pattern is more about long body of water voyages than super speed.

But still, at top speed, bluish whales can go up to near 31 miles per hour (fifty kilometers per 60 minutes), which is pretty respectable.

Their normal traveling speed is somewhere around 12 miles per hour (20 kilometers) and they deadening down to about 5 miles per hr (8 kilometers per hour) if they're feeding.

Speed Comparison

Blueish whales are a lot faster than some other cetaceans. The humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) can but reach speeds of about 17 miles per hour (27 kilometers per hour).

The bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) tin get upwards to about 17 miles per 60 minutes (21 kilometers per hour).

So the bluish whale isn't the speediest thing in the ocean, it's non the slowest either.

To put it all in perspective in human being terms, the world record for Olympic swimming speed was set in 2014 by Florent Manaudou, who's elevation speed was somewhere around 5.5 miles per hour (8.8 kilometers per 60 minutes).

So a blue whale can swim almost six times faster than the all-time man swimmers in the earth.

How Much practise Blue Whales Eat?


But seriously, these guys need an enormous amount of food to go along their bodies going.

Blue whales swallow one of the tiniest creatures in the ocean, krill.

Krill are tiny crustaceans, similar to shrimp, that school in huge numbers as they consume floating algaes. They are a major food source for big filter feeders like blue whales, fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) and whale sharks (Rhincodon typus).

Blueish whales eat them by scooping upwardly giant mouthfuls of h2o and filtering it through bristle-similar structures in their mouths called baleen.

It's estimated that blue whales can eat as much equally 8,000 pounds (3,600 kilograms) of krill a twenty-four hour period.

Weight Comparison of How Much a Blue Whale Eats

OK this 1 is pretty hard to compare to everyday things since we're talking about food.

But here goes.

8,000 pounds is roughly equivalent to 32,000 quarter pound hamburger patties.

That'south enough for you to have a hamburger every day for the next 87 years.

Or it's as much every bit 12,800 10 ounce steaks. That'south then many steaks that you could take one for dinner every dark for 35 years.

Probably not great for your cholesterol, though.

Then, what would accept you years to eat, a blueish whale gulps down in a single mean solar day.

How Big is a Blueish Whale's Aorta?

The aorta is the main artery that pumps oxygenated blood throughout the torso.

Lots of sources online claim that a blue whale's aorta is then enormous that an adult human can swim through it.

This is a really cool sounding factoid, but is it true?

Size Comparision: Tin can You Swim Downwardly a Blue Whales viens?

Human stuck in blue whale aorta

In a give-and-take, nope.

Don't get me incorrect, a blue whale's aorta is enormous. But it is non large enough for a human to swim down.

An adult human could fit their caput into a bluish's aorta, just not the rest of their body.

So being able to swim through a whale's arteries is simply as fantastical every bit information technology sounds.

How Big is a Blue Whale'southward Tongue?

This is something else where you can see some internet exaggeration about these huge beasts.

It'due south often quoted that the blue whale's tongue weighs more than an elephant.

This is true and fake. Not all varieties of elephant have the same weight ranges.

It'due south thought that a blue whale's tongue weighs about 8,000 pounds (3,600 kilograms).

It would weigh more than a female Asian elephant. Just information technology would not weigh more a male person elephant, Asian or African (12,000-xiv,000 pounds/5,400-6,350 kilograms).

Then it weighs more than some elephants, only non all of them.

But, 8,000 pounds would be more than than twice the weight of the average midsize motorcar (3,500 pounds/1,600 kilograms).

How Wide is a Blue Whale'south Tail Fin?

Size of blue whales tail fin compared to soccer goal

These massive whales need equally impressive tails since that'south how they button themselves through the water.

Their tails are usually around 25 feet (seven.v meters) broad.

That's more than half the length of a schoolhouse charabanc!

From tip to tip, they're as wide every bit a professional person soccer goal.

How Big is a Blueish Whale's Centre?

Blue whale eye size comparison

The i matter most blueish whale's that'south really kind of pocket-sized is their eyes.

A blueish whale'south eye is about the size of a small-scale grapefruit or a softball.

This might seem pretty big compared to our ain optics, which are the size of a ruby.

But considering how gigantic a blue whale is, their eyes are kind of puny.

It's thought that blue whales don't rely on their sight that much and their pocket-sized eye size is evidence that their eyesight is pretty weak.

How Big is a Blue Whale's Poop?

Blue whale poo

Whale poop is probably different that what you lot're thinking.

If you're picturing giant floating poop that looks like a log, you lot're way off base.

Whale poop is not really very solid, information technology's more than like a giant cloud of chunky liquid.

I know, kinda gross.

Since information technology's so liquidy, it'due south hard to tell exactly how much a whale excretes at a fourth dimension.

Blue whale poop is bright orange. And I mean bright neon technicolor orange. The color comes from the shells of the krill the whales swallow.

Seen from the air, the poop looks like a bright orange deject in the water, almost as long every bit the whale itself.

Makes you rethink swimming behind one of these guys.

How Large is a Blue Whale'due south Penis?

OK I'thou going to do my best to get through this section without making any crude jokes.

But no promises.

Blue whales have the biggest penises in the animal kingdom. Not a huge surprise, given how massive their bodies are.

The biggest penis on record can exist found in the Icelandic Phallological Museum in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Aye. An entire museum dedicated to the penis. That is indeed a thing.

Only, I digress.

The Phallological Museum has the tip of a blue whale penis on display. The original penis was 16 feet (5 meters) long, was well-nigh 12 inches (30 centimeters) around and weighed over 150 pounds (68 kilograms).

Size Comparing of a Blue Whale'south Penis

Blue whale's penis size comparison

It's hard to find an everyday object that has similar dimensions to a blueish whale penis. They're kind of unique.

They're as long as ii midsize cars and they're almost as big around as a large fire hose.

That's just…er…terrifying? Impressive? Both maybe?

How Big is a Bluish Whale's Vagina?

There are lots of studies about how big a male blue whale's penis is. They're huge and really obvious, and frankly, even scientists get distracted by a penis that's 16 feet (5 meters) long.

Only, at that place actually hasn't been that much research into bluish whale vaginas. Or even simply whale vaginas in general.

The reason for this is obvious, or rather, that a blue whale's vagina isn't that obvious.

When blue whales are mating, the male person's behemothic penis is pretty darn noticeable.

Merely there's really no manner to study a whale's vagina while information technology'south alive. Information technology's non exactly similar there's a gynecologist office that can accommodate the biggest animals in the globe.

So at that place but isn't every bit much data about bluish whale lady parts.

Size Comparison

I think it's pretty prophylactic to say that a bluish whale's vagina is pretty darn large. They give birth to babies that outweigh the average American car.

You tin can't exactly have a tiny vagina if y'all give birth to young that weigh as much as a full-size sedan.

If I had to venture a guess, I would say that several adult humans could fit within a blue whale vagina, but I don't think too many folks are raring to confirm this.

Why are Blue Whales so Big?

One of the reasons whales take evolved to exist and then large is body estrus. The ocean tin can get pretty darn common cold, especially the deep ocean.

The bigger an animal's body, the more than body heat information technology tin can generate and concord onto when information technology'due south exposed to cold weather condition.

So they can voyage through frigid waters and still thrive.

Also, having a big body can mean that an animal is able to survive longer stretches in between meals.

And so if a whale needs to travel great distances to find the next school of krill, its big trunk, with large fat reserves, tin can make the trip.

And, for baleen whales, it'due south feast or famine. Information technology may exist a long time in betwixt meals.

Just when they exercise find a school of krill, information technology'due south enormous. With a bigger body, the whale is improve able to catch and eat large quantities of food while information technology's bachelor.

Lastly, some scientists also conjecture that mod whales evolved to exist so big as a means to bargain with big predators. At that place'southward a lot of debate almost this one, but the basic premise does make sense.

The bigger an animal is, the less likely information technology is to fall victim to predators.

An adult blue whale is so gigantic that virtually nothing can endeavour to kill information technology and eat information technology. The simply affair in the ocean that has any hope is a large pod of orcas (Orcinus orca).

That is a definite advantage to beingness the biggest brute in the body of water. If you're the biggest kid on the block, no one tries to pick on you.


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